  • United States
Organisation type:
    Consulting Firms & Advisory Services
Technology type:
    Energy Storage
    Inverters/Power Components
    Solar PV
Business model:


PowerSwitch is a consulting firm focused on providing advisory services to developers of microgrid, mini-grid, and energy storage projects. Typical services include Owner’s Engineering (OE), Independent Engineering (IE), and other technical advisory services, aimed at sharing technical inputs from large-scale energy projects in the U.S. to developing markets around the world. Typical OE scopes of work include project layout and preliminary engineering, negotiation of offtake agreements, negotiation of battery supply and long-term service agreements. IE work includes performing technical due diligence on behalf of investors or lenders looking at the financial model, major agreements, technical feasibility, and regulatory compliance. Additionally PowerSwitch performs training seminars, expert witness testimony, and technology reviews. PowerSwitch is based in Portland, Oregon with staffing in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.