Cameroon-European Union Business Week
Cameroon has the most diversified economy in Central Africa. Endowed with significant natural resources, Cameroon in particular and Central Africa in general offer attractive growth prospects. Both economies have shown exceptional resilience in the face of recent crises (COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine). In its development strategy for 2030 (SND30), Cameroon assigns the private sector an essential role in the structural transformation of the economy. As such, attracting investors is a top priority. Given its strategic position as a gateway to the entire Central African sub-region, Cameroon accordingly deserves the attention of European investors.
Cameroon-European Union Business Week will be held in Yaoundé, at the Conference Centre, from Wednesday 21 to Thursday 22 February 2023 in synergy with the PROMOTE trade fair and will be structured around a high-level opening ceremony, cross-cutting panels in plenary sessions, thematic panels in parallel sessions, a regional workshop on EDFD+ financial instruments and a TEI-IYBA launching ceremony.