  • Eastern Africa
  • South Asia

  • India
  • Kenya
Organisation type:
    Technology Suppliers & Innovators
Technology type:
Business model:
    Licensing & Technology Transfer

CAGE Technologies

CAGE has developed an emission focussed, proven, efficient, cost competitive suite of gas engine control and combustion technologies to enable direct replacement of incumbent diesel engines and generators in the construction and agricultural sectors. The technology is robust and can be a disruptive force in global markets for clean efficient power and decentralised energy.

CAGE gas engines are optimised to combust gaseous fuels from including hydrogen, biogases, LPG and CNG. No other small engine currently available is optimised to burn gas fuels to fully exploit their emission reduction potential.

CAGE biogas generators are small scale plug-and-play machines that run on raw biogas without the use of a purification system. CAGE generator produce clean power from biomethane contained in the biogas. It reduces fugitive methane emissions, cost of energy by using biogas as free byproduct of agricultural waste instead of costly diesel, and removes emissions produced by currently used diesel generators.

Case studies