  • France
  • India
Organisation type:
    Non-governmental Organisations
    Project developers
Technology type:
    Energy Storage
    Inverters/Power Components
    Solar PV
Business model:
    Community-based Models
    Energy Service Companies (ESCOs)
    Pay-as-you-go & Leasing


Mlinda is an operational NGO that works in ecologically sensitive and highly underdeveloped areas to reduce environmental degradation, by implementing projects that reduce GHG emissions, promote environmentally positive goods and reduce consumption of environmentally negative goods. Mlinda has it’s Head Office in Paris and it’s India office in Kolkata. Mlinda’s flagship project is the rural electrification project based on renewable energy in the States of Jharkhand and West Bengal. Mlinda has till date (March 2016) installed 310 pico and micro grids connecting 2750 homes,two village bazaars,85 village shops and three school hostels. The micro grids vary in size from 150 W connecting 6 houses to 8 KW connecting a bazaar with 25 shops, a boat repair yard, a jetty and 55 homes.
Mlinda is presently on a ARE assisted project developing three village sized mini grids of 20 KWp each connecting 250 homes, 50 small businesses, productive loads such as paddy hullers and irrigation pumps. Mlinda also works with women groups in these villages to incubate village enterprises. Mlinda is extending the ARE project to cover ten villages with productive power as anchor loads with installed capacity of 210 KWp supplying AC power with solar PV and solar-wind hybrids with smart energy meters.


Case studies