  • Central Africa
  • Eastern Africa
  • South East Asia
  • Southern Africa
  • Southern Asia
  • West Africa

  • Cameroon
  • France
  • India
  • Philippines
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • Singapore
  • Tanzania
Organisation type:
    Financial Institutions & Private Investors
Technology type:
    Energy Storage
    Inverters/Power Components
    Solar PV
Business model:
    Financial Institutions & Investors

Gaia Impact

Gaia Impact is a venture capital firm dedicated to renewable energy. We invest and build long-term partnerships with startups and SMEs with a strong environmental and social focus in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia. Energy is a major stake of tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities. We believe investments from the private sector are necessary to support the development of renewable energy in developing countries. Technological innovations turned the decentralised production of renewable energy into a competitive and inclusive alternative to carbon energy. Our investments build a world in which sustainable and affordable energy is accessible to all.

Our investment vision targets companies operating in the following sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa, and South-East Asia :

  • Solar assets for commercial and industrial customers
  • Small-scale off-grid power systems & productive uses
  • Mini-grids for communities
  • Solar Tech