  • Eastern Africa
  • Western Asia/Middle East

  • Belgium
  • Mauritius
  • United Arab Emirates
Organisation type:
    Associations & Industry Groups
Technology type:
Business model:
    Philanthropic & NGOs

Airborne Wind Europe

Airborne Wind Europe is the association of the European airborne wind energy industry.

Airborne Wind Europe encourages high-level discussions on generation of energy from high-altitude winds by means of kite energy systems, wind drones and other airborne wind energy systems and encourages research, innovation and exchange of technical information among entrepreneurs, suppliers, utilities, developers,  energy consumers, equipment manufacturers, financial institutions and universities

Airborne Wind Europe promotes the generation of energy from high altitude winds by means of airborne wind energy systems. It represents the interests of the airborne wind energy industry as well as academia to decision makers in politics and business, provides reliable and high-quality information and data on airborne wind energy and is coordinating the industry at all levels.