ARE contributes to the Mini-grid Business Podcast
In the latest episode of the Mini-Grid Business podcast, hosted by Nico Peterschmidt, CEO of ARE Member INENSUS GmbH, industry leaders convened to explore innovative solutions for rural electrification. The episode, titled “The Mini-Grid and Solar Home System Multi-Technology Approach – A Way Towards More Finance for the Sector?”, featured insights from esteemed experts Lynne Wesonga of CrossBoundary and Gillian-Alexandre Huart of ENGIE Energy Access, both from the ARE Membership.
The conversation revolved around the potential benefits of integrating multi-technology approaches to tackle the challenges of rural electrification.
Adding depth to the discussion, Ines van Oldeneel, ARE’s Business & Market Development Officer, shared insights on the intricacies of financing mini-grid and solar home system projects.