Le premier forum sur l’électrification rurale à Madagascar va dynamiser le marché malgache des ERD

26 octobre 2021 – L'Alliance pour l'Electrification Rurale (ARE), en collaboration avec le Système des Nations Unies à Madagascar (PNUD, ONUDI et UNCDF), le SDG Fund et la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), a organisé le Forum de l’électrification […]

Multinational effort brings first solar field to Burundi

7.5 MW utility-scale power plant increases East African country’s generation capacity by more than 10% on the eve of COP26 Gitega, Burundi – 25 October 2021: A multinational effort to bring solar power to Burundi has been realised with the commercial […]

Rural communities reaping health and socio-economic benefits of REPP-supported solar mini-grid project in Sierra Leone

USD 1.25m loan from REPP also marks UK-government funded programme’s first investment in a majority women-led company London, 21 October 2021 – A ground-breaking solar mini-grid project is delivering far-reaching health and socio-economic benefits in rural Sierra Leone following a USD […]

Oorja Secures $1 Million in Seed Funding to Scale up Pay-per-use Farming Services Powered by Clean Energy

11 October 2021 – Oorja has completed its US$ 1 million Seed funding round with equity investment from Schneider Electric Energy Access Asia (SEEAA) and grant funding from Water & Energy for Food Grand Challenge (WE4F) and the DOEN Foundation. This capital will be used for […]

ARE Member InfraCo Africa Finances Bonergie’s Solar Irrigation Systems in Senegal

6 October 2021 – Investment firm InfraCo Africa is providing $2.5 million in financing to Bonergie Irrigation to deploy its solar-powered irrigation systems for farmers in Senegal. InfraCo Africa, an investment company of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG), announces a […]

GET.invest & ARE Member EDFI ElectriFI Land with €10.6 Million to Develop Renewable Energy in Burundi

13 October 2021 – In Burundi, the European Union (EU) is launching its EDFI ElectriFI and GET.invest programs with the aim of encouraging private investment in renewable energy. The aim of this funding is to support the electrification of Burundi, one […]

ARE Member Hivos to deploy Crowd-grid Distributed Energy Solution in Kenya

8 October 2021 – BitHub Africa, in collaboration with Hivos East Africa, has deployed its first blockchain-backed sustainable energy solution called the Melanin Smart Box (MSBX) in a Maasai village known as Singiraine in Kajiado, Kenya. Deployed after five years of research […]

ARE Member Ryse Energy sign strategic clean energy partnership for off-grid telecoms sector with Bladon Micro Turbine

TowerXchange, Dubai, 12 October 2021 – ARE Member Ryse Energy, the global leader in distributed renewable energy systems with over 4,000 installations across all seven continents and Bladon Micro Turbine, the only manufacturer of micro turbine-based power generators (MTG) for the telecoms […]

EEGF Announces 3 New Investments Totalling $10m & $6.6m AfDB Loan Agreement to Support African Energy Access Enterprises

29 September 2021 – The Energy Entrepreneurs Growth Fund (EEGF) has completed its first three investments into distributed renewable energy (DRE) companies working in Sub-Saharan Africa, and signed a concessional loan agreement with the African Development Bank (AfDB) that allows the […]

nOa and Winch Energy Deploy New Solar Solutions in Uganda and Sierra Leone

4 October 2021 – NEoT Offgrid Africa (NOA) and Winch Energy Limited have invested around $12 million in mini-grid projects in Uganda and Sierra Leone, contributing to their global ambition to build the largest portfolio of mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa, and reach a […]