Major commitments and new partnerships for electricity access across Africa announced at EAIF 2024

Lagos, 28 May 2024 – This year’s edition of the ARE Energy Access Investment Forum (EAIF), held in Lagos on 21-23 May 2024 saw major announcements from governments, renewable energy investors and developers and acted as a catalyst to increase […]

EAIF 2024 to gather investors and leaders in Lagos

Lagos, 6 May 2024 – Investors and leaders in the decentralised renewable energy (DRE) sector from across the world will converge in Lagos, Nigeria on 21-23 May 2024 for the premier annual event in the industry – the ARE Energy […]

ARE CEO David Lecoque advocates for sustainable energy access in an engaging interview

At the 14th Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held from 16th to 18th April in Abu Dhabi, ARE CEO David Lecoque engaged in an interview with LIDA Network. During the interview, David Lecoque underscored ARE’s commitment to […]

Engine for progress: why renewables are the key to a sustainable future

Access to energy remains a pervasive issue worldwide, with approximately 10% of the global population still lacking it (IEA, 2022). Tackling this problem involves navigating complex policy, economic and geographical landscapes. Nonetheless, the rise of renewable electrification offers a beacon […]

ARE contributes to the Mini-grid Business Podcast

In the latest episode of the Mini-Grid Business podcast, hosted by Nico Peterschmidt, CEO of ARE Member INENSUS GmbH, industry leaders convened to explore innovative solutions for rural electrification. The episode, titled “The Mini-Grid and Solar Home System Multi-Technology Approach […]

New publication: State of the Decentralised Renewable Energy Sector in India

Decentralised Renewable Energy (DRE) has tremendous potential to deliver social as well as economic benefits in a carbon-neutral and equitable manner. This report strongly brings out the multi-faceted potential of DRE in India through inputs from various major stakeholders in […]

Battery recycling: cooperation between Nigeria and Germany launched

Joint press release by Oeko-Institut, Alliance for Rural Electrification, SRADev Nigeria und Platform Lead Improving battery recycling in Nigeria, raising labour and environmental standards, and establishing sustainable trade flows for raw materials – these are the declared aims of the […]

Access to energy is a valuable tool for families to create wealth

For the past 5 years, Orange Energies’ mission has been to make clean, affordable energy accessible to as many people as possible. By supplying solar equipment, Orange Energies enables hundreds of thousands of families in 12 African countries to light […]

ARE Delegation prepares for Uganda-EU Business Forum

The ARE delegation will actively participate in the event, discussions and networking activities with policymakers, local entrepreneurs, international investors, financiers, industry experts and academics. The Uganda-EU Business Forum (UEUBF) is organised by the EU together with its Member States, in […]

Aptech provides solar water pumping solutions in Somaliland

Hargeisa Project Overview Hargeisa faces shortages of water because of increasing population and could not meet the growing demand for clean, potable water, a critical shortcoming in essential service delivery, and seriously impeded the right to water access and local […]