Business model: Installers & Contractors
Hamara Grid Private Limited
Hamara Grid is a start-up based at Kolkata, India working in the mini-grids consulting, training and EPC space.
Ryse Energy
Utilising small-wind, solar and energy storage to create bespoke renewable solutions, Ryse Energy a global leader in decentralised renewable energy generation, providing renewable energy to some of the most challenging urban and rural environments. We design and manufacture small wind […]
Phaesun GmbH
Phaesun has been specialising in the sale, service and installation of off-grid photovoltaic and wind power systems since the foundation in 2001. As one of the world’s leading system integrators of off-grid energy systems, Phaesun offers products of all reputable […]
Smarter Microgrid
SUMMARY OF SMARTER MICROGRID UNIFIED SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT FOR MICROGRIDS With a background in the computer industry since 1980, we began developing sites for 500 kW wind turbines in 2010 and we now own and operate six sites across the […]
Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric is a global company that provides energy and automation digital solutions for efficiency and sustainability. It combines world-leading energy technologies, real-time automation, software and services into integrated solutions for Homes, Buildings, Data Centers, Infrastructure and Industries. Schneider Electric […]