Category: News
Photo contest: Impact of Team Europe’s efforts in DRE
The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), with the support of GET.invest, has launched the ARE Photo Contest: Impact of Team Europe’s Efforts in DRE. The goal is to showcase pieces of evidence of efforts and investments in decentralised renewable energy […]
ARE on the need to increase access to energy at the Innovation Summit
ARE CEO, David Lecoque attended the Schneider Innovation Summit on 3-4 April 2024 in Paris. It gathered stakeholders from the automation, electrification and digitalisation sectors to discuss the development of new technologies and the future of the industry. He joined […]
Electrification: investors and decision-makers meet in Lagos in May for the EAIF
The Energy Access Investment Forum (EAIF 2024) is being held in Nigeria this year. Nigeria is one of the countries on the African continent where the challenge of managing essential services remains immense, with 90 million people still without access […]
ARE contributes to the Mini-grid Business Podcast
In the latest episode of the Mini-Grid Business podcast, hosted by Nico Peterschmidt, CEO of ARE Member INENSUS GmbH, industry leaders convened to explore innovative solutions for rural electrification. The episode, titled “The Mini-Grid and Solar Home System Multi-Technology Approach […]
CORE trains government & electric cooperatives in the Philippines on solar hybrid mini-grid system design
The Philippines is one of the fastest-growing developing countries: poverty is in decline, access to energy is rising and, with that, demand for energy services. However, fossil fuels still dominate the energy system, accounting for 78% of power generation in […]
ACERD launches two calls for applications to recruit qualified trainers and students for DRE course
ARE Partner ACERD is launching two separate call for application to recruit qualified trainers and students for a DRE course. The modules covered include: Discovery and learning to use renewable energies Discovery of a photovoltaic system Project management – public […]
New publication: State of the Decentralised Renewable Energy Sector in India
Decentralised Renewable Energy (DRE) has tremendous potential to deliver social as well as economic benefits in a carbon-neutral and equitable manner. This report strongly brings out the multi-faceted potential of DRE in India through inputs from various major stakeholders in […]
ARE on doubling down efforts to deliver SDG 7 at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue
The ARE team attended the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue on 19-20 March 2024, which is the largest and longest-running energy transition conference organised by the German government. Every year, it gathers government representatives, global business leaders, scientists, leaders of international […]
ARE on the power of off-grid renewable solutions at Transforming Energy Access Forum in Kigali
ARE CEO David Lecoque attended the Transforming Energy Access Forum on 13-14 March 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda. The event gathered government representatives, policymakers, innovators and investors to discuss the progress in energy access in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the […]
ARE advocates for clean energy access at Africa Energy Indaba
ARE attended Africa Energy Indaba to promote clean energy solutions and connect with the industry across Africa. ARE, with its partners GOGLA, Get.Invest and Global Distributors Collective (GDC), co-organised two sessions titled “Distributed Renewable Energy: Investing in a Clean Energy […]