Sino Soar – 5 Diesel-PV-BESS Mini-grids (Niger)

Who, What & Where Sino Soar Hybrid (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd 5 Diesel-PV-BESS mini-grids Agadez, Niger The Company Sino Soar Hybrid (Beijing) Technologies Co., Ltd is an international high-tech company specialising in solar hybrid and off-grid fields. SINOSOAR’s main business scope […]

ARE Annual Report 2022

2022 has been a demanding yet remarkable period filled with a multitude of achievements and challenges. Once again, energy supply and energy access remained the main concern for millions of people around the world. Addressing the energy access and energy […]

SAO Energy & Okra Solar – Sustainable Energy to Healthcare Center & Surrounding Households (Nigeria)

Who, What & Where SAO Energy & Okra Solar 96 households & 1 Primary Health Centre energised by mesh-grids Omolege, Ondo State, Nigeria The Company SAO Energy, lead by Ayodeji Sotinrin, takes a holistic approach to improving livelihoods through energy […]

Okra & Creeds Energy – 50 Household Mesh-Grid Pilot (Nigeria)

Who, What & Where Okra & Creeds Energy 50 Household Mesh-Grid Pilot Bassa, Nasarawa State, Nigeria The Company Okra is a plug & play hardware + software solution that allows smart pay-as-you-go microgrids to be created by connecting existing off […]

VoltaViewAfrica – Sun-e-Boat (the Gambia)

Who, What & Where VoltaViewAfrica Sun-e-Boat The Gambia The Company Even today there is no access to fresh water and electricity for the people of the island of Jinack, The Gambia. Their main source of income is fishing. Today they […]

Bodawerk – Shareable & circular Li-Ion batteries for Africa (Uganda)

Who, What & Where Bodawerk Shareable & circular Li-Ion batteries for Africa Uganda The Company Bodawerk has developed a multi-purpose Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery pack powering different applications. The transition from oil to renewable energy requires the introduction of new energy […]

Anywhere.Berlin – Rockin’ the Kasi (South Africa)

Who, What & Where Anywhere.Berlin Rockin’ the Kasi Sharpeville, Gauteng, South Africa The Company Anywhere.Berlin has three active locations in Africa: Kenya, Senegal and South Africa. The Sharpeville pilot near Johannesburg was the first and is the most mature. It […]

ENGIE Equatorial – E-outboards for fishermen on Lake Victoria (Uganda)

Who, What & Where ENGIE Equatorial E-outboards for fishermen on Lake Victoria Lolwe Island, Namayingo District, Uganda The Company ENGIE Equatorial, an integrated energy services provider, commissioned a solar hybrid mini-grid in the Lolwe island, bringing power to > 3,800 […]

Asantys Systems – Sunlight & batteries fuelled eco-safari (Tanzania)

Who, What & Where Asantys Systems Sunlight & batteries fuelled eco-safari Serengeti National Park, Tanzania The Company Asantys Systems is as a wholesaler offering you a wide range of solar components from quality manufacturers at very competitive prices. Besides wholesaling […]

WaterKiosk – Solar Energy for COVID-19 Response to Mnazi Mmoja Hospital (Tanzania)

Who, What & Where WaterKiosk Solar Energy for COVID-19 Response to Mnazi Mmoja Hospital Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania The Company Waterkiosk Africa is a registered entity specialised on renewable energy solution for water treatment facilities. The company installs, operates and […]