Wuppertal Institute – Removing Barriers to Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Medium-Scale Agricultural Livestock Activities (Mexico)

Who, What & Where Willington Ortiz (Wuppertal Institute), Alexander Bennet Eaton & Monserrat del Carmen González Espinosa (IRRI Mexico) Removing Barriers to Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Medium-Scale Agricultural Livestock Activities Mexico, Central America Summary With the Support by Wision (an initiative […]

Wuppertal Institute – Improving Cacao Production and Processing while Meeting Cooking Fuel Demand (Ecuador)

Who, What & Where Wuppertal Institute & Green Empowerment Improving Cacao Production and Processing while Meeting Cooking Fuel Demand Ecuador, South America Summary Green Empowerment introduced the Project Improving Cacao Production and Processing While Meeting Cooking Fuel Demand in Ecuador (CRECER) […]

Fundación Acciona Microenergía – Luz En Case Oaxaca, Lighting up the Present to Thrive in the Future (Mexico)

Who, What & Where ACCIONA Microenergia Foundation Luz En Case Oaxaca, Lighting up the Present to Thrive in the Furure Mexico, North America Summary From 2012 to 2016, ACCIONA Microenergia Foundation implemented in Oaxaca (Mexico) basic electrification. More than 30,000 […]

Fundación Acciona Microenergía – A New Electricity Delivery Model for the Isolated Communities of the Rainforest (Amazonia)

Who, What & Where Fundación Acciona Microenergía Rural Electrification Programs ‘Luz en Casa’ Amazonia, Brazil Summary Starting in 2015, ACCIONA Microenergia Foundation works in the Peruvian Napo basin with solar home systems giving light to rural households. Total budget (up […]

Fundación ACCIONA Microenergía – Light at Home: Providing basic electricity services with SHS (Peru)

Who, What & Where Fundación ACCIONA Microenergía Luz en Casa – Light at Home: Providing basic electricity services with solar home systems for human development Cajamarca, Peru The Company Fundación ACCIONA Microenergía (FUNDAME) is a corporate foundation of the Spanish […]

Phaesun – PV System in Yandup Island Lodge, Panama

Who, What & Where Phaesun Off-grid PV System with batteries Yandup Island Lodge, Panama The Company Phaesun GmbH based in Memmingen, Germany has been specialising in the sale, service and installation of Off-Grid photovoltaic and wind power systems since the […]