
Owanga is Congo’s first on-demand electricity company. We rent out portable battery packs called the Chisun to users in Congo for USD 2 a day, allowing them to power common appliances such as phones, lights, and even fans for 24 […]

JLA Hydro

JLA Hydro is a Belgian company specialising in the design, manufacturing, and installation of hydraulic turbines for small-scale hydroelectric power plants. Our solutions are suited for both installations connected to an existing electrical grid and mini-grids, ensuring reliable and efficient […]

Decla Capital Advisors

Decla Capital Advisors (“Decla”) is an investment advisory firm that offers pre-investment and portfolio management services to fund managers, while also assisting companies with fundraising and financial advisory. Founded to connect early-stage scalable businesses with impact-driven capital across the continent, […]

Electriciens sans frontières

Electriciens sans frontières, French international NGO and registered charity, has been fighting since 1986 against inequalities of access to electricity and water throughout the world. With the support of our 1,200 volunteers and through partnerships with local actors and using […]

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

IITA, winner of the 2018 Africa FOOD Prize Award, generates agricultural innovations to meet Africa’s most pressing challenges of hunger, malnutrition, poverty, and natural resource degradation. Through our membership of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), IITA has […]


We design and deliver smart control solutions for power generation and energy management that empower the world’s transition to sustainable energy. By combining our expertise, innovative mindset and new technologies, we build highly flexible, intuitive and scalable solutions that support […]

Mwinda Technologies

Mwinda Technologies was created in 2018 by a group of renewable energy enthusiasts in Houston, Texas, USA. Our company designs clean energy solutions and financing options to address the lack of reliable energy and financial inclusion in sub-Saharan Africa, starting […]

Groupe DCAfric DAHULA

Nous sommes une société à vocation panafricaine, active dans les ENR, avec nos opérations en RDCongo, et un bureau de représentation à Kigali et Abidjan. Depuis 2020, nos opérations de Goma ont été relocalisées à Kinshasa. Axés initialement dans la production […]

Société Africaine de Développement Rural (SADER)

SADER est une entreprise privée multidisciplinaire dont l’objectif principal est de promouvoir le bien être et l’épanouissement du congolais en particulier et de l’africain en général. Energie : électricité Montage électrique Fourniture et installation des matériels électriques Etudes de prévision […]

Tech Power Services

Tech Power Services is a renewable energy utility company based in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), that provides dean energy in a easily, scalable, affordable and reliable way to underserved communtty living outside of the national grid coverage via smart […]