  • Central Africa
  • Eastern Africa
  • West Africa

  • Central African Republic
  • Democratic Republic Of Congo
  • Liberia
  • Niger
  • Sierra Leone
  • South Sudan
  • Uganda
Organisation type:
    Engineering, Procurement, Construction
    Technology Suppliers & Innovators
Technology type:
    Energy Storage
    Inverters/Power Components
    Solar PV
Business model:
    Commercial & Industrial Use (C&I)
    Operation & Maintenance Providers
    Pay-as-you-go & Leasing
    Pay-to-Own & Ownership Models

Aptech Africa Ltd

Aptech Africa is an EPC company that provides solar and water pumping solutions. We are headquartered in Uganda, but also have offices and operate in South Sudan, Central African Republic, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Niger, and Eastern DRC. Aptech provides solar water pumping, water purification and distribution, energy storage, mini-grids, PV hybrid, power and distribution, and solar street light and water heating solutions.


Case studies