  • South America
  • Southern Africa
  • West Africa

  • Cape Verde
  • Colombia
  • Germany
  • Mozambique
Organisation type:
    Technology Suppliers & Innovators
Business model:
    Community-based Models
    Licensing & Technology Transfer
    Pay-to-Own & Ownership Models
    Public Utility & Municipal (Grid/Mini-grid/Microgrid/Standalone Systems)
    Software as a Service (SaaS) & Digital Platforms


At DeFuTech, we help bridge the digital divide by bringing those without internet connection online and empowering local communities with transferable technical skills. We believe connection is a basic human right and is foundational to social and economic development.

Our goal is also to empower local populations, both with access to the opportunities of the internet, but also with the skills and know-how to maintain their internet connection.

We aren’t just a product provider, we’re a partner in connection. From development to implementation, support to maintenance, training to scaling, we make sure you have everything you need to get up and running, quickly.