  • Eastern Africa
  • South East Asia
  • Southern Africa

  • Kenya
  • Malawi
  • Norway
  • Philippines
  • Zambia
Organisation type:
    Engineering, Procurement, Construction
    Technology Suppliers & Innovators
Technology type:
    Energy Storage
    Solar PV
Business model:
    Build Operate Transfer (BOT)
    Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT)
    Commercial & Industrial Use (C&I)
    Community-based Models
    Energy Service Companies (ESCOs)
    Operation & Maintenance Providers

Differ Community Power

Differ Community Power (DCP) is a globally leading provider of reliable energy services to social institutions like health facilities and schools. With more than 100 sites and 270 buildings under active operation, DCP has significant experience in both installation and commissioning of off-grid and grid-tied energy systems, and in the operation and maintenance of the same sites. We are continuously developing ICT systems and procedures to be able to manage and operate numerous off-grid/distributed energy systems at social institutions.

DCP currently has operations in many countries, e.g. Malawi, Zambia, Kenya and the Philippines, and is continously expanding.