  • Southern Africa

  • Mozambique
Organisation type:
    Technology Suppliers & Innovators
Technology type:
    Energy Storage
    Inverters/Power Components
    Solar PV
Business model:
    Community-based Models
    Installers & Contractors
    Pay-as-you-go & Leasing
    Philanthropic & NGOs
    Public Utility & Municipal (Grid/Mini-grid/Microgrid/Standalone Systems)

Lojas de Energias

Lojas de Energias is an initiative adapted by Gilda Monjane in 2011 as a way to fill a gap in infrastructure for rural off-grid areas. The inauguration was done in the presence of government officers from the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Gender, German partners from companies which supply equipment for the shops, media and CSO in January 2012.

The initiative promotes female entrepreneurship in order to reinforce women’s economic empowerment at the same time that it is aiming to supply clean, affordable and renewable forms of energy for rural villagers living in off-grid areas. The technology allows rural people to phase out kerosene and save money for other needs. It contributes to increasing the number of women employed in paid jobs.