  • West Africa

  • Nigeria
Organisation type:
    Energy Service Providers
    Engineering, Procurement, Construction
    Product Sales & Distribution Companies
    Project Developers
    Technology Suppliers & Innovators
Technology type:
    Energy Storage
    Inverters/Power Components
    Solar PV
Business model:
    Build Operate Transfer (BOT)
    Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT)
    Commercial & Industrial Use (C&I)
    Community-based Models
    Dealers & Distributors
    Energy Service Companies (ESCOs)
    Energy Service Provider Companies (ESPCs)
    Hybrid Models
    Installers & Contractors
    Operation & Maintenance Providers
    Pay-as-you-go & Leasing
    Pay-to-Own & Ownership Models
    Public Utility & Municipal (Grid/Mini-grid/Microgrid/Standalone Systems)

Royal Power Services Limited

Royal Power Services is a major player within the renewable energy space, with Energy as a Service (EAAS) solar deployments across Nigeria, that cover a wide coverage area, across various sectors that include financial, telecommunications, Commercial & Industry (C&I) and residential.

Our main goal is to provide sustainable and cost effective energy across Nigeria and beyond, ensuring a cleaner and more sustainable world for all.