  • Eastern Africa

  • Kenya
Organisation type:
    Technology Suppliers & Innovators
Technology type:
    Solar PV

Zuhura Solutions

Zuhura Solutions is a social impact company based in Nairobi whose mission is to harness the power of renewable energy and innovative technology to offer safer, healthier, eco-friendly, and sustainable food systems for all. Our first product, the Halisi Trolley, is our answer to the current low quality, highly polluting, and time-consuming conventional charcoal-fuelled trolley. The Halisi Trolley (HT) is a completely solar-powered street food vending cart that allows vendors to eliminate the time and cost of sourcing and maintaining charcoal levels to heat their food. On a full charge, the HT can provide heat for over 8 hours, allows vendors to precisely control the temperature of their trolley, and provide agency over when and where they work. Zuhura will complement the HT by offering vendors a flexible pay-as-you-go (PAYGo) payment plan for USD 108 a month with a 10% initial down-payment and provide access to maintenance professionals who can quickly and conveniently service the trolley.