Solar Cooling Engineering – SelfChill

Solar Cooling Engineering GmbH (SCE) is a spin-off company of the Institute of Agricultural Engineering of the University of Hohenheim in Germany. Its mission is to raise awareness on the use of solar energy for refrigeration with focus on low […]

Grün Leben

Grün leben GmbH is a renewable energy company, specialised in designing and supplying hybrid energy generating solution in both forms, on-grid and off-grid for households and industries.

Arizona State University

Arizona State University is a leading U.S. Center of Excellence in research and education that curates and advances innovations from idea to implementation. Global networks led by ASU reach over 100 countries and online workforce development programmes serve 40,000 people […]


On Capital is a Paris-based advisory, fundraising, and investment company, founded to unleash capital, talent and innovation in frontier markets. On.Capital specialises in smart infrastructure for all (energy, water, connectivity, mobility, waste, housing and construction) and responsible commodities for impact […]

Orange Energies

Orange Energies is positioned as a partner in the digital transformation of Africa and the Middle East. Present in 18 countries, we listen to the markets and their specificities, to propose an offer in phase with the lifestyles and consumption […]


Specialised in the distribution of solar-home-systems in rural areas, Dynamiss Lda is building the first distribution network of franchisees in Mozambique. Our approach aims to add value along the supply chain creating a professional network of certified local distributors that […]

NEoT Offgrid Africa

NEoT Offgrid Africa is a platform dedicated to financing decentralised energy in Africa, seeking to respond to issues surrounding energy access for local stakeholders, such as SMEs and communities seeking reliable and clean solutions for offgrid electrification. NEoT Offgrid Africa […]

Becquerel Institute

Becquerel Institute is a specialised consulting company and research center dedicated to the development of the PV market. Founded by experts of the PV market for more than 10 years, we provide strategic advice to companies in Europe, America, Asia, […]

Energise Africa

Energise Africa is a UK crowd-lending platform, raising finance for DRE and other climate tech companies in sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia. We offer a tranche-based credit facility of £750k up to £5m, which can be drawn down in […]

VoltaViewAfrica is a non-profit organisation promoting development aid in the areas of renewable energy, e-mobility and drinking water in sub-Saharan Africa. For this purpose, decentralised and solar-powered energy supply systems (powerhouse systems) are planned and built with local partners and […]