Lojas de Energias

Lojas de Energias is an initiative adapted by Gilda Monjane in 2011 as a way to fill a gap in infrastructure for rural off-grid areas. The inauguration was done in the presence of government officers from the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of […]

Green Watts Maputo

Mozambican registered partnership between Mozambican and Swedish shareholders, dedicated to providing products and services that allow access to the use of new and renewable energies, the needy populations of about 21 countries where Mozambique is one of the beneficiaries. Green Watts […]


GreenBox is a brand of the social enterprise ETS MVUTU, specialising in green cold chain, providing local farmers and traders with practical conservation services to help reduce post-harvest losses starting with Congo. Farmers will store their agricultural products in our […]

Solaris Greentech Hub

Solaris GreenTech Hub is a renewable energy startup that is committed to creating green jobs, energy inclusion, fighting energy poverty and driving rural electrification in Nigeria and Africa by making clean energy available and affordable for people at the bottom […]


Founded in 2022, SunHari is a company driven by the strong will to give African people access to electricity by using the great sun resource available. Our mission is to actively participate in Africa’s energy transition by implementing sustainable ways […]

Africa Energy Solaire

Africa Energy Solaire (AES) est une société de droit Burkinabè créer depuis 2009 et ayant pour mission la promotion, l’installation et la sensibilisation des énergies renouvelables en particulier le photovoltaïque. Nous sommes un acteur majeur dans le domaine du solaire au […]


SEECO MALI est une entreprise évoluant dans le domaine de l’énergie et de l’eau au Mali. Nos secteurs d’activités sont entre autres: l’électrification rurale: a. Développeur de mini centrales (solaires, hybride solaire/thermique et thermiques), gestionnaire de réseau de distribution d’électricité […]

VERA International Business plc

Vera’s mission is to help Ethiopia’s underserved off-grid rural communities by providing renewable, inclusive, reliable, accessible and affordable solar energy technologies. It also seeks to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of rural youth and the community at large so as to improve […]

Growth Supply

GROWTH SUPPLY is a consulting firm that supports companies and business leaders in the structuring, financing and development of their projects relating to the ecological transition in order to reduce their carbon footprints, and rural electrification to enable access to […]

Regain 37 PVT Ltd

Regain 37 Private Limited is a legally registered (February 2018) company with four shareholders, 50% female shareholding. It has two strategic business units (SBUs) namely Connected Communities (Smart Education) and ZimbosAbantu Healthcare on wheels (Smart Health). We connect the unconnected […]